Ok, I've been slacking a little on my blogging- however, at this point it doesn't seem that I've had too many readers (only 2) so I don't suppose any body's noticed but me :-) In the event that somebody does decide to stop by, I suppose I'll continue blogging. Since my last post about my vegetable garden we have literally been swamped with home grown stuff. Our largest crop has been cucumbers. The thing is, they were actually supposed to be zucchini- at least that's how the nursery labeled the 6 plants I purchased back in May. I could have handled the zucchini. Unfortunately, they turned out to be cucumber plants. I had no idea how many cucumbers one plant could produce (keep in mind, I have 6 plants). Without any exaggeration, I estimate that we have picked at least 70 cucumbers!! We have pawned off as many as we possibly could and we still have about 40 left!! But thanks to my wonderful mother, who was kind enough to share a recipe for freezer pickles, it looks like we'll be able to make use of them. I figured I'd share the recipe here, just in case somebody stumbles upon this blog and happens to be in the same predicament that we are. Here it is, enjoy!
Freezer Cucumber Pickles
6 Cups cucumbers (thinly sliced)
2 Cups sugar
1 Cup white vinegar
1 White onion (thinly sliced)
1 TBSP salt
½ TSP celery seed
½ TSP mustard seed
Crushed red pepper to taste
Combine sugar, vinegar, salt and spices. Boil for 1 minute. Pour over cucumbers & onions. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. Put in containers and freeze.