Been busy, busy, busy. I don't know why this time of year always seems so chaotic. I think it's because I suddenly realize that summer is almost over, so I try to squeeze in a bunch of summertime activities before time runs out. I've only managed to complete one art project in the past couple weeks, although I have started many. Well, hopefully things will start to slow a bit. I always seem to get back to a normal schedule after labor day.
Here's my latest project, which I was inspired to create after running into Psalm 45:11 during my morning devotionals last week. It was quite obviously "God inspired" because it felt like I didn't even have to try. PLUS... no matter how many times I look at it, I still like it!! Which is very out of character for me :-)
Anyway, this verse meant a lot to me. I have a tendency to be very critical of myself, in so many ways. I was reminded of how I'm really dishonoring God everytime I criticize myself. Human nature and society really contribute to our tendency to be self-critical. It is so important for us to believe that we are beautiful simply because God created us, and that worldly standards of beauty mean nothing. If only we all believed this and viewed others in the same way, what an amazing world this would be....